Busy Dad Series 1

You're a dad.  You're busy.  We understand.  But, that doesn't mean you have to have a dad bod and lose your ability to perform and play with your kids.

Our busy dad program brings something new to the functional training world.  Why?  It's tailored to the functional needs of dads.  You need to be able to run, hike, jump, and crawl with your kids.  You need to model for your children what a strong, capable dad looks like.  Well, here's your program.

There are three days of functional strength and conditioning work, but we have taken it a step further: including nightly mobility work.

You can train every day, but if you don't work on your mobility and flexibility, you won't be able to jump on the trampoline, crawl on the ground, and chase your kids without fear of getting hurt.  So, take the time to work on yourself in the evenings.  You and your children will be glad you did.

Program Series 1 Specs:

Skill Level – Beginner to intermediate. No Olympic Lifting experience is required.

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, medicine/wall ball, sandbag, wall ball.

Focus – General Physical Preparedness

Training Days per Week – 3, with 2 optional mobility days.

Program Length - 4 Weeks, but can be repeated if desired.

Excerpt from Day 1 Movement, Strength, and Conditioning:

Bear Crawl 2x20m

Spiderman Crawl 2x20m

Alternating Lateral Gorilla Hop 2x10

Lat Pulldown 3x12

Deadlift x15, 15, 12, 10, 8

8 Minute EMOM

4 Manmakers

Excerpt from Day 5 Functionality, Strength, and Conditioning:

Turkish Get-Up 4x6

Bench Press x15, 15, 12, 10, 8

Run Carry Throw Circuit - 4 Rounds:

400m Run

50m DB Farmers Carry

10 Wall Balls

3 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training

Busy Dad Series 2

You're a dad.  You're busy.  We understand.  But, that doesn't mean you have to have a dad bod and lose your ability to perform and play with your kids.

Our busy dad program brings something new to the functional training world.  Why?  It's tailored to the functional needs of dads.  You need to be able to run, hike, jump, and crawl with your kids.  You need to model for your children what a strong, capable dad looks like.  Well, here's your program.

There are three days of functional strength and conditioning work, but we have taken it a step further: including nightly mobility work.

You can train every day, but if you don't work on your mobility and flexibility, you won't be able to jump on the trampoline, crawl on the ground, and chase your kids without fear of getting hurt.  So, take the time to work on yourself in the evenings.  You and your children will be glad you did.

Program Series 1 Specs:

Skill Level – Beginner to intermediate. No Olympic Lifting experience is required.

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, medicine/wall ball, sandbag, wall ball, Ski Trainer, Row Machine, weighted vest.

Focus – General Physical Preparedness

Training Days per Week – 3, with 2 optional mobility days.

Program Length - 4 Weeks, but can be repeated if desired.

Excerpt from Day 1 Strength and Stability:

Deadlift 3x5

DB Bench Press 3x5


Meadows Row 2x10

Single Arm MB Push 2x10

Turkish Get Up 3x5

Excerpt from Day 3 Muscular Endurance:


Calories Ski Trainer

Wall Balls 

3 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training

Busy Mom Series 1

Moms spend the vast majority of their day caring for the needs of others.  But oftentimes, they neglect their own health.  As a busy mom, you're often running on fumes and have very little time for training. The little bit of yoga you do once or twice a week in your bedroom when the kids are asleep is simply not enough.

Many moms want to train, but they lack the time and understanding of how they should train.  Real talk: you've had a kid or four and your posture from late-night baby feedings and running around with car seats has left your body performing at sub-optimal levels.  

We celebrate mothers and their hard work.  So, we built programming with real-life applications that will help you carry, lift, twist, run, crawl, and move with your children with confidence.  

The Busy Mom Series is a three-day strength and conditioning program for moms who need to get stronger, move more efficiently, and feel comfortable in their bodies.  

If you're ready to learn new skills, build strength, and attain a functional body designed for the rigors of motherhood, then The Busy Mom Series is for you.

Series 1 Specs:

Skill Level – Beginner to intermediate. No Olympic Lifting experience is required.

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, medicine/wall ball, sandbag, wall ball, BaseBlocks (optional), Air Bike, resistance bands, TRX.

Focus – General Physical Preparedness

Training Days per Week – 3

Program Length - 4 Weeks, but can be repeated if desired.

Excerpt from Day 1 Stability, Strength, and Toning:

Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Shoulder Press 3x15

Half Kneeling Single Arm Lat Pulldown 3x15 

(superset) – You may substitute a bench for the BaseBlock

BaseBlock Incline Push-Up 3x10

BaseBlock Chair Dips 3x10

Excerpt from Day 5 High-Intensity Strength Circuits: 


TRX Inverted Row 3x15

TRX Forward Leaning Rest 3x30sec


Russian KB Swing 3x15

Tempo KB Squat 3x10

3 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training

Busy Mom Series 2

Moms spend the vast majority of their day caring for the needs of others.  But oftentimes, they neglect their own health.  As a busy mom, you're often running on fumes and have very little time for training. The little bit of yoga you do once or twice a week in your bedroom when the kids are asleep is simply not enough.

Many moms want to train, but they lack the time and understanding of how they should train.  Real talk: you've had a kid or four and your posture from late-night baby feedings and running around with car seats has left your body performing at sub-optimal levels.  

We celebrate mothers and their hard work.  So, we built programming with real-life applications that will help you carry, lift, twist, run, crawl, and move with your children with confidence.  

The Busy Mom Series is a three-day strength and conditioning program for moms who need to get stronger, move more efficiently, and feel comfortable in their bodies.  

If you're ready to learn new skills, build strength, and attain a functional body designed for the rigors of motherhood, then The Busy Mom Series is for you.

Program Specs:

Skill Level – Beginner to intermediate. No Olympic Lifting experience is required.

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, medicine/wall ball, sandbag, wall ball, BaseBlocks (optional), Air Bike, resistance bands, TRX, rowing machine.

Focus – General Physical Preparedness

Training Days per Week – 3

Program Length - 4 Weeks, but can be repeated if desired.

Excerpt from Day 1 Functional Movements and HIIT:

MB Lunge and Chop 3x10

DB Renegade Row 3x8

3 Rounds:

25yd Bear Crawl

25yd DB Walking Lunges

15 Russian KB Swings

5 Calorie Air Bike

Excerpt from Day 3 Strength and LISS:

Back Squat x15, 12, 10, 8

Bench Press x15, 12, 10, 8

2000m Row @moderate pace

3 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training

Strength, Accessory, and Metcon Series 1

Our Strength, Accessory, and Metcon Series is for those who are transitioning out of Crossfit or desire a program that includes metabolic conditioning on every training day.  

The program is a hybrid bodybuilding hypertrophy program and athletic functional conditioning.  

This series with built with longevity in mind.  If you are training for the pure joy of training and staying in shape, this program is for you.

Series 1 Specs:

Skill Level – Intermediate. No Olympic Lifting experience is required.

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, medicine/wall ball, sandbag, wall ball, BaseBlocks (optional), Air Bike, resistance bands, TRX, rowing machine, Ski Trainer, treadmill (optional), slam ball.

Focus – General Physical Preparedness

Training Days per Week – 4

Program Length - 4 Weeks, but can be repeated if desired.

Excerpt from Session Day 2 Squat:

Back Squat 3x12

Rear Delt Flyes 4x15


Half Kneeling Single Arm Lat Pulldown 5x10

Split Stance Overhead Tricep Extension 5x10


For Time 5-10-15 Cal/Reps:

Calorie Air Bike

DB Snatch (per arm)

4 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training

Strength, Accessory, and Metcon Series 2

Our Strength, Accessory, and Metcon Series is for those who are transitioning out of Crossfit or desire a program that includes metabolic conditioning on every training day.  

The program is a hybrid bodybuilding hypertrophy program and athletic functional conditioning.  

This series with built with longevity in mind.  If you are training for the pure joy of training and staying in shape, this program is for you.

Series 2 Specs:

Skill Level – Intermediate. No Olympic Lifting experience is required.

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, medicine/wall ball, sandbag, wall ball, Air Bike, resistance bands, TRX, rowing machine, Ski Trainer, treadmill (optional), slam ball, hex bar, penalty box (optional).

Focus – General Physical Preparedness

Training Days per Week – 4

Program Length - 4 Weeks, but can be repeated if desired.

Excerpt from Session Day 5 Pull:

Hex Bar Deadlift 4x8

DB Lateral Box Step-Ups 4x8


Double KB Romanian Deadlift 3x8

Penalty Box Lateral Hops 3x16

4 Rounds for Time:

500m Row

50yd Farmers Carry @moderate to heavy weight

4 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training

Limited Equipment Functional Training Series 1

Team|Reach's Limited Equipment Functional Training Series is for athletes who have access to limited equipment, as a result of travel or desire to train minimalist. 

The series follows an upper, lower, total body split, with two conditioning and core days. 

The goal of this series is hypertrophy and conditioning. There are 6 unique strength sessions and 3 unique conditioning sessions. 

Equipment Needed - Dumbbells, Resistance Bands, and Pull-Up Bar

5 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training

Travel WODs

Traveling and need hotel-friendly workouts? We've got you covered! Powered by Reach|WOD, Travel WODs give you 28 unique sessions you can "cherry-pick" from when you're traveling for work or vacation. 

Equipment needed - treadmill or place to run, dumbbells, jump rope, pull up bar, and kettlebell

7 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training

Functionally Fit Series 1

Our Functionally Fit Series 1 is designed with longevity in mind.  The program follows a 3-day full-body split strength training regimen, with two days of conditioning, core, and functional movement work.

The program is ideal for someone who wants to maintain their fitness and expand their functional strength.

5 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training