Team Reach Complete Athlete Series 1

The Team|REACH Complete Athlete Program is a team favorite.  This program is ideal for the experienced trainee who wants to increase their conditioning and vary their training.  

The training is based around 3 strength and accessory days with conditioning at the end and 2 Olympic lifting days with interval conditioning at the end.

The program is a fun break for most athletes.  It has a little something for everyone.  

Series 1 Specs:

Skill Level - Intermediate to advanced. Need beginner-level Olympic Weightlifting experience.  

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, SkiTrainer, Rower, AirBike, Treadmill, wall ball, slam ball, sandbag, mace, sled.

Focus - Functional Training, Weightlifting, Multi-Sport

Training Days per Week - 5

Program Length - 6 weeks

Excerpt from Day 3 Squat, Biceps, and Metcon 1:

Barbell Curl x15, 12, 10, 8

3 Rounds for Time:

400m Run

Barbell Thruster @65lbs

50m Single Arm OH KB Walking Lunge (switch arms halfway)

5 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training

Fitter Faster Program Series 1

Our Fitter Faster Program is designed to get your whole body fit, as fast as possible.  The program utilizes metabolic conditioning and high-intensity strength training protocols. The program is built around a squat/push/pull strength protocol, as well.

Two days focus on metabolic conditioning with full-body strength training and the other two days focus on speed, core, and functional strength movements.

This program is difficult but can be completed in less than an hour if you stay focused and limit your rest.

Program Specs:

Skill Level - Intermediate. No Olympic Weightlifting.

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, AirBike, Treadmill, wall ball, slam ball, sled, speed ladder, heavy jump rope, suspension system (TRX).

Focus -  Functional Training, Strength & Conditioning

Training Days per Week - 4

Program Length - 6 Weeks

Excerpt from Day 1 Metabolic Conditioning Squat/Pull Emphasis:

30 Minute AMRAP

200m Run

Squat x10

Pull x10

*Movements and sequence revealed in the plan.

Excerpt from Day 9 Speed, Core, and Functional Strength:

5 Minute EMOM

2-Step Lateral Shuffle x6

Heavy Jump Rope x20

3 Rounds:

KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge x10/leg

Lat Pulldown x10

4 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training

Interval Weight Training

Based on Pat O'Shea's interval weight training discussed in his book, Quantum Strength and Power Training, our IWT program is like no training you've done before.

IWT is designed for maximal results.  Traditionally, one IWT session a week is called for.  The program ups the ante.  You will perform three IWT sessions a week.  Tuesday and Thursday serve as low-intensity accessory workdays.

If your weight training has gotten stagnant and your conditioning isn't where it needs to be, give our Interval Weight Training Program a try and you won't be disappointed. 

*The program consists of 5 unique training sessions, designed to be repeated over a 4-week schedule. Do not continue the program for more than 4 weeks at a time.

Series 1 Specs:

Skill Level - Intermediate to advanced. Intermediate Olympic Lifting is required.  

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, AirBike, Rower, plyo-box, resistance bands, pulley system.

Focus – Weightlifting, Strength, and Conditioning

Training Days per Week - 5

Program Length - 4 Weeks

Excerpt from Day 1 Power Clean and Squat:

3 Rounds:

Hang Power Clean x8-12 @60-65%

Rowing @90% 

2 Minutes Rest between rounds.

Excerpt from Day 4 Leg Accessory and Triceps:

DB Bulgarian Split Squat 3x12


Skullcrushers 3x10

Reverse Tricep Pressdown 3x12

5 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training

12-Week Peaking Cycle


Tired of hitting minuscule PR's every meet? Feeling run down going into competition and struggling to find what works for you? My 12-Week Peaking Cycle is GUARANTEED to give you the total you're looking for in your next competition. You will begin your first five weeks with a hypertrophy-based style block and then transition into a power-building block that will drastically increase your strength and power output. Each compound lift will have percentages for every session, so no more guessing with RPE based training. You will also be given a warm-up and cool-down for every session to ensure you are primed for heavy lifting. With this 12-week program, you will never have to wonder your training will look like going into a meet.

4 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training


Commanding respect. Powerful. Capable. Formidable. Training is meant to have a purpose. That purpose goes beyond the appearance of our bodies. Train to be capable and powerful. Your physique will take care of itself if you put the work into your nutrition. Our Formidable program is designed to give you the tools - strength, conditioning, grit, confidence - to conquer all the obstacles you face in life. 

More than anything, becoming Formidable gives you an aura of self-confidence in a world increasingly less concerned with true strength.

Formidable has 32 unique training sessions over an 8-week period that are designed to test you and strengthen your mind and body. This ain't your typical "bro split" or "WOD" based program.

The first 16 sessions (4 weeks) focus on muscle hypertrophy and muscle endurance. There are two days that involve full-body conditioning. Sessions 17-32 focus on strength, hypertrophy, and functional movement. There are still two days of conditioning. The whole program follows a weekly training protocol, but each session is different.

Program Specs:
Skill Level – Intermediate to advanced. No Olympic Lifting experience is required.

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, medicine/wall ball, Air Bike, treadmill, pull-up, air bike, rower, ski, sled, rope, farmer's carry. 

Focus – Functional Bodybuilding, Strength and Conditioning 

Training Days per Week – 4

Program Length – 8 weeks

Excerpt from Session 1 Chest, Back, and Legs:

Depth Plyo Push-Up 3x5

Bench Press 8x8 w/30 sec rest


Single Arm Explosive Sled Rope Pull 5x5/arm

Pendlay Row 5x10

Except from Day 15 Legs and Shoulders:

Barbell Z Press 8x8 w/30sec rest


Double KB Front Squat 5x10

DB Suitcase RNT Reverse Lunge 5x10/leg

4 sessions per week
Must use the Train Heroic App app to view and log training
Program Training